Borders Crematorium gives huge helping hand to local charity
A charity which provides vital volunteer befriending support for people with learning disabilities has received a huge helping hand itself – from Borders Crematorium.
The crematorium has donated £1,800 to Interest Link Borders, which also supports young people with autism and the funds were used to help towards the costs of its inaugural “Charmian Interest Link Challenge” 2023 event.
The donation came from the crematorium’s metal recycling scheme.
With the consent of families, metals recovered during cremation are recycled, and any money raised is used to support charities and other worthy causes in the communities surrounding every crematorium and cemetery which are part of Westerleigh Group.
Westerleigh Group is one of the UK’s largest independent owners and operators of crematoria and cemeteries, with 37 sites in England, Scotland, and Wales, all set within beautifully landscaped gardens of remembrance which provide pleasant, peaceful places for people to visit and reflect.
“Charmian Interest Link Challenge” 2023 event brought together service users, their carers and loved ones to enjoy a 2K and 4K walk and run within the beautiful grounds of The Haining Estate, Selkirk.
This inaugural event attracted 120 participants and raised a total of £2,880.
Charmian Ledsham first began as a member of the Interest Link steering group in 2000, she was a Director for the next 20 years and vice-convenor from 2004-2014. Interest Link Borders proudly named the event in memory of Charmian to acknowledge her dedication, support and hard work over the years.
Judith Emond, Manager at Borders Crematorium, attended the event to help with marshalling.
“When we were approached by Kenny, convenor of Interest Link Borders about this new fund-raising event being organised in honour of Charmian, we immediately knew that we wanted to give our support.”
“It is hoped that this will become an annual event to provide funds for the charity, which offers a wide range of vital support to local people.
“This includes one-to-one friendships, social groups and distance contact, which are blended to enrich the lives of service users, their carers and volunteers of all ages.
“It’s an honour and a privilege to be able to support an organisation which makes such a positive difference to families living in the Borders region.”
To find out more about the charity, visit: